Queen City Sausage 2017
Formica laminate on panel with engraving
1,467 pieces

In the words of Elmer Hensler, Queen City Sausage’s founder, “We are the last man standing!” Queen City Sausage opened in 1964 and is the sole remaining Cincinnati pork product manufacturer among numerous companies spanning nearly 200 years. The pork industry jump-started Cincinnati’s early economic growth and is fundamentally tied to Procter & Gamble’s beginnings of manufacturing soap and candles from pork by-products. Queen City Sausage prides itself in using premium ingredients and offering a wide selection of products. Located in Camp Washington, Queen City Sausage has been the official bratwurst of the Cincinnati Reds since 2010.
This mosaic depicts the final steps of production when freshly steamed sausages are separated and packaged. From left to right are Benito Lopez, Chris Alvarez, Edgardo Hernandez, and Juan Gonzales.

Cincinnati Museum Center