Over Your Head and Too Deep? Try Juxtaposition Semiotics! 2006
Steve Badgett and Dr. Paul R. Cekan
cinder blocks, boards, copy machines, books,
printed matter, artifacts
College of Dupage, Dupage, IL

This project actualized the intellectual work of Dr. Paul R. Cekan, a psychiatrist (psyche-doctor) practicing for over forty years. He has been trying his whole life to solve the problem of minds not connecting (transubstantiation failure). The project facilitated him to show that parallel systems can cross back and forth to connect the homologous meanings of religions and ancient concepts.

“C.O.D. was a time-line of my life’s attempts to find parallels between conceptual systems and enable people to understand differences”. - Dr. Paul Cekan

The exhibit was designed as an archeological excavation and included his conceptual models, some of which were produced for the exhibit. The main component of the exhibit was the Doctor himself. He was available for discussion, description and/or debate during the entire run of the 10 week exhibit. Often, visitors were sent away with Xeroxes from the books in his “time line” related to the topic at hand. Cekan is trying to tie it all together and save the world. He should have a forum to present his ideas.